KT Therapy provides speech, feeding, and myofunctional therapy services to infants and children.

Evaluations consist of understanding the family's concerns and goals for their child, an in-depth health history, observations, as well as informal and formal assessments. The therapist will review initial findings and recommendations with the family.   A typed formal evaluation report will be provided containing a treatment plan.  A copy of the evaluation report can be shared with other members of the child's team (primary care physician, dentist, etc.).

Therapy sessions are individualized to meet the needs of each child. Research has found play to be most effective when children are learning new skills. Sessions are typically child-led so therapy is fun, engaging, and meaningful. Parent involvement is encouraged. Parent education and home programming are provided during each therapy session.

Speech Therapy
The goal of speech therapy is to improve your child's speech and language skills in order for them to become effective communicators. We specialize in the following areas:
Speech Sound Disorders​
Receptive Language
Expressive Language ​
Feeding Therapy
We use a responsive feeding approach to improve feeding skills and increase your child's food repertoire for more enjoyable mealtimes. We specialize in the following areas:
Bottle feeding
Transitioning to solids
Picky eating

Myofunctional Therapy
Orofacial myofunctional disorders are often underlying causes to speech and feeding difficulties. Signs and symptoms include low resting tongue posture, mouth breathing, drooling, extended pacifier use or thumb sucking, tongue thrust, sleep issues, teeth grinding, dental abnormalities, and tethered oral tissues. Myofunctional therapy works to improve oral and facial muscle function with the goal of proper oral resting posture, nasal breathing, correct placement of speech articulators, and optimal skills for the oral phase of swallowing.
Let's Get Started!
Reach Out
Call us for a free initial consultation to discuss your concerns, determine if an evaluation is needed, and determine if KT Therapy is a good fit for you.
An Evaluation is conducted to determine your child's strengths and areas of concern.  Results and recommendations with be reviewed and a treatment plan and goals will be created.
Therapy sessions are individualized to meet the needs of each child and help them achieve their goals.  Sessions are child-led so therapy is fun, engaging, and meaningful.
Watch your child grow, achieve their goals, and thrive! Not only resulting in a better quality of life for them, but your family as a whole!